
Monday, November 15, 2021

Participation in Government (PiG) Paper

Oink Oink Baby

Your PiG paper requirements can be found at the link above.


Wednesday 11/24/21 - Pre-Task Question
Friday 12/03/21 - Task I
Friday 12/17/21 - Task II
Sunday 01/02/22 - Task III
Friday 01/07/22 - PiG due

For all procrastinators, late work is not accepted.  No, you cannot have more time.  If you need more time, just think of each task being due a week earlier.

"If you're early, you're on time; if you're on time, you're late; if you're late, you might as well not show up at all."

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Weekly CE Homework Assignment - Topics Vary, Refer to Classroom

Read all three articles by class on Friday. Be prepared to discuss what you have read. For homework, still due at the usual time, create an argumentive essay for or against this topic. Cite where appropriate.

For our purposes, sentence starters like "In the [author's last name] article..." or "In the article, [article title],...." will do.

Keep in mind, for all argumentative essays:
  1. Introduction where you introduce your claim (argument).
  2. Choose a side and tell me why.  Use at least 2 examples from the articles - this can be a direct quote or paraphrase.
  3. What is the other side's claim (argument)?
  4. Why is your argument better?
  5. Restate your claim and conclude.  Leave with a poignant thought on the matter.

        Thursday, September 16, 2021

        Current Events Ongoing Project

        Pick a current events topic from the following list or if there's a current events issue that particularly moves you, let me know.

        You and your partner(s) are to present the topic to the class and lead a class discussion that will take the entire class period (roughly 45 minutes).

        Requirements - You need to:
        1. Have some sort of presentation with visuals.
        2. Present your topic as a controversial issue with two sides
        3. Find at minimum three articles and send links to these articles to Mr. Lee by the Saturday before your presentation.  These articles should be 1 neutral/informational article, 1 article in favor, and 1 article against.  
          1. If your articles are not submitted, you will be deducted 10 points.  
          2. If they are late, you will be deducted 5 points.
          3. If the articles are not up to par and I ask you to replace any of the articles - if you get them back to me on time, no further points will be deducted, but I have to replace those articles for you, you will be deducted 2 points per article.
        4. Send Mr. Lee your presentation along with a list of 10 discussion questions no later than the day before you're scheduled to present.
        5. Create a quick 3 question quiz to give the class after your presentation - you should only ask questions that are actually discussed in your presentation or your readings.  Avoid opinion questions (I reserve the right to change the questions up).
        For your presentation, you must include (but not limited to):
        1. A "Do Now" where you lead the class - this could be a well-thought-out political cartoon of your choosing that relates to your topic. 
        2. The history of your topic 
          • What is your topic about?  
          • How did it come about?  
          • What's the historical context of your topic?
          • Why is it an issue of controversy today?
          • What are the two sides arguing? (Present both sides of the argument)  Are there any people or organizations leading the charge?
        3. How is your topic "current?" (use your articles)
        4. What has the government done, of note, so far in regards to your topic?
        5. How do your elected officials (President, Governor, Mayor, Representatives, etc.) view this topic?
        6. Most recent and relevant court cases and laws (summarize)
          • What does the Constitution say about this?  How can the Constitution be interpreted for this issue?
        7. Your opinions on this issue
        8. Some media - no more than 8 minutes long
        9. Citations/References
        With the time you have left, you will be using your discussion questions and leading the class in a discussion on your topic.

        Thursday, September 9, 2021

        HW #3 - We Will Never Forget

        The slogan for 9/11 since that fateful day back in 2001 has been "we will never forget." Reflect on what that means to you. Maybe your family was personally affected or maybe as a New Yorker, you just have a deeper connection. Think about how 9/11 has affected you, even though most of you weren't alive to remember it. In addition to your own reflection, I want you to interview someone who remembers 9/11 and ask them about their memory and experiences of the day. I'm leaving this assignment purposefully open-ended so you can have a little creativity with it and see where it goes, but if you need some guidance, please let me know.

        Welcome to AP Government


        Welcome to AP Government and Politics (GoPo)!

        Congratulations - you have been selected by your teachers to be a part of the AP Government class as seniors!  This really says a lot about you, your work ethic, and what your professors think about you - this is a very selective class, so take pride in it.  Let's get this out of the way first - this is a full year class and yes, this is an advanced class as the AP implies, so there will be a lot of work (readings and essays) involved.  But don't let that stop you from this endeavor because we will have a lot of fun doing so as well and I promise you, we will somehow, against all odds, make government and politics fun for your senior experience.

        So why AP?  Like I said, prestige, fun, etc. (your grade in this class will be weighted differently towards your GPA).  But most importantly, you will be taking an exam in May and if you get a 3 or higher on said exam, most CUNY and SUNY schools will offer you college credit for it (a 5 will guarantee credit for any college).  With that in mind, raise your hand if you can afford college straight up without any financial aid.  I'll wait.  I thought so - if you can take care of one less class (on average, $1800 per class), why wouldn't you?  So let's buckle up, hunker down, and make the most out of your senior year!

        This page, in addition to your Google Classroom, will be your best friend and will help you through the course.  On this page, I will be posting homework assignments, some classwork assignments, and general course announcements and documents.

        This is your class contract.  You should have received one in class.  If you didn't it's your responsibility to print it out and hand it in for HW #1.

        HW #2 - Have your parent/guardian email me with your name as the subject.  In the body, they should give me their full name(s) the best way to contact them, and the best time to contact them.

        For this class, most of the work will be completed online.  On the off-chance that I do give handouts, please bring a folder to class with a couple of sheets of loose leaf - a binder is also acceptable.  I also ask that you have a set of index cards at home for vocabulary words.